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Comprehensive functional medicine & nutrition for menopause is completely changing the experience for women who have access to providers and integrative care.  Millions of women enter perimenopause and menopause each year and feel the changes in their bodies, but are all too often unsure of how to support this stage of life.
Weight changes, mood changes, irritability, tearfulness, anger, hot flashes, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, cardiovascular health changes, lowered bone density and cognitive decline are all too often side effects of declining hormones for many women. 
Support is available to test hormone and brain chemistry levels and nourish the systems and the whole body to restore and support wellness. I often use a combination of prescription bio-identical hormones, botanical medicine, nutrition strategies and targeted brain chemistry and nervous system supports.  

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Hormonal Health

My single favourite course during my undergraduate degree in psychology and nutrition was psycho-neuro-endocrinology.  The intersection of hormones, with the entire emotional & psychological experiences and behaviours that transpire as a result.  Hormones are a pillar of mental health and emotional wellness.  They interconnect with everything in our experience within the body.  â€‹ 

I went on to do advanced trainings in hormone health, fertility, menopause and hold prescription authority certification in BC to be able to prescribe compounded bio-identical hormones.  I work closely with therapists and other practitioners to support each patient with specific and deep rooted functional and integrative medicine.

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